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Have the courage to follow your heart & intuition. They somehow know what you truly want to become”


Looking back my journey into the world of spiritual healing was a gradual one, although from a very young age there were clear signs when my intuition and ability to perceive energy become very apparent.


As time progressed, I realised my spiritual insights enabled me to not only understand my journey but to help other people understand themselves and their journey.  And like everyone, I faced challenges in coming to terms with my gift and how to use it well and wisely – time, experience & books have been a very good teacher & friend.


As a small child animals were very responsive to my energy and would willing accept my company & the occasional treat, the woodlands provided a soothing environment & it continued to do so in my teenage years easing that all too familiar angst that so many of us endured.


One particular incident also made me realise that I had a particular gift.  This came in the form of my Grandad Ted dying…. Sitting in my bedroom I suddenly felt his energy behind me & heard him saying goodbye, then I experienced that I “just knew” feeling that he had died – Mum wasn’t convinced when I told her but within half an hour the phone call came to say that he had indeed passed away. I came to realise that I could hear peoples thoughts & feel what I now know to be their energy, it took a while but I eventually realised that I was a medium.


An outlet for my intuition first came into my life via a Tarot Deck – a gift from my Dad after a bit of pestering around the age of 15. This gave me the opportunity to explain those thoughts that I had about people and what was going on in their lives without having to explain that I was a burgeoning medium. So I let the cards tell the story, which they inevitably did.


The animals still gravitated towards me and people began to come to me with their stories as well as, friends, family and even strangers on public transport.  People seemed to want to tell me the stories of their life & the challenges that they were facing.  Back then, I had very little to say let alone any wisdom to offer but I did listen and learnt a little bit more about people.


Over the following few years, I was fortunate to meet my now husband and had my first daughter. During those times my gifts were quietly in the background but I would still read the tarot for those in need and engage with lost loved ones for those recently bereaved. When our second daughter was stillborn I wasn’t surprised.  I’d had the sense that the pregnancy wouldn’t come full term and so we said goodbye to our little girl at 39 weeks.The answers that the hospital provided were vague and didn’t satisfy the feelings of guilt inside me, so I went looking for my own answers that could explain why we had experienced such a tragedy. This led me to exploring spirituality through various forms, including Spiritualist Christianity and Buddhism alongside everyday life experiences. We were blessed with the arrival of our third daughter the following year.


As time progressed my curiosity about holistic healing increased and led me to taking accredited courses in Energetic Medicine & Reiki, whilst developing a keen interest in Flower Remedies, Plant Spirit Medicine, Past Life Hypnotherapy, Aromatherapy & what I now know to be Soul Midwifery alongside many other areas which I’ve been drawn to.


In 2016 I was diagnosed with Cervical Cancer, again I’d had that sense of knowing what was coming so I wasn’t terribly surprised when the consultant told me – however everyone around me was thrown for a loop, I suddenly realised what it was like to be on the other side of the healing equation, goodness me it was a real eye opener & has helped me to see so many things from a different perspective. Thankfully with a blend of traditional medicine & a raft of holistic treatments, which included herbs & energy healing plus a huge dose of positivity the tumour was eradicated & at this time I’m currently clear of any nasty little cancerous cells.

In recent years, I’ve had the opportunity to work with a number of clients in my own practice from all walks of life, helping them to achieve a sense of balance in their lives using the various techniques that I’ve learnt along the way. Teaching others how to heal themselves and lead a more joyful life is a privilege and something that I treasure deeply. 


Throughout my life and my ventures into spiritual healing everything always seems to come back to the same overriding premise - Your feelings and intuition are genuine and part of who you are, whether they are negative or positive is not the problem – it’s how you choose to respond to those feelings and what you then do with them that matters. 


Challenges will present, sadness and loss will happen they are part of our everyday lives, my hope is that through intuitive and spiritual guidance you will find the light within the darkness, aiding your personal transition, enabling you to celebrate your journey, filling your life with joy, wonder and opportunity.

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